76xx Tonnelle Ave North Bergen NJ
🎊新泽西 商住两用楼出售
🌟76xx Tonnelle Ave North Bergen NJ 07047 商住两用楼出售
✅ 地:19x77,屋:2128尺
✅ 1铺+1家庭
✅ 1楼铺面+200尺后院
✅ 2楼:两房一厅一卫
✅ 土库:三房两卫,有独立门口出入
📍位于繁忙商业区,对面有多家大公司:Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, BJs 等等….
🚗交通非常方便,对面有 83和127巴士,位于1号和9号公路边
🎊New Jersey Commercial and Residential Building for Sale
🌟76xx Tonnelle Ave North Bergen NJ 07047 Commercial/Residential for sale!
✅ Lot: 19x77, House: 2128sf.
✅ 1 store + 1 family
✅ 1st floor store + 200sf backyard
✅ 2nd floor: 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom
✅ Basement: 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with separate door access
👍 Electricity meter, gas meter has been separated
📍 Located in a busy commercial area across the street from several major corporations : Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart, BJs and more ....
📍 Close to supermarkets, restaurants, convenience stores and more!
🚗 Very easy access to public transportation, 83 and 127 buses across the street, located off of highways 1 and 9
💰Sale Price: $660,000 (Great opportunity for inexpensive commercial and residential investment and business startup)
☎Feel welcome to schedule an appointment anytime