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🎉🎉 8大道商铺出租 🎉🎉
✅ 商铺面积大约 700尺有前后门,
✅ 适合任何生意;
✅ 位于正在快速发展中的八大道四十余街,对面是新建学校,1条街是新开业皇庭大酒楼(生意红红火火)。
✅ 租金$3,800/月 包地税;
✅ 欢迎预约
✨The "corner" of 46th Street, 8th Avenue, Brooklyn
✅The shop area is about 700 square feet, with front and rear doors.
✅ Suitable for any business;
✅ Located in the rapidly developing Eighth Avenue and Forty-Year Street, opposite is a newly built school and 1 street away is the newly opened Huangting Restaurant (business is booming).
✅ Rent $3,800/month including local tax;
✅ Welcome schedule a showing
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